Jan ’14:
- SOrBet Begins: KO meeting takes place at the premises of Converge (Jan 16-17) (see more)Lei Lei (LiU) begins a 3-month secondment at Converge
- Opening of SOrBet Postdoctoral position (Experienced Researcher – ER) for 2 years at LiU [http://www.liu.se/jobba?l=sv]
Feb ’14:
- Magda Foti (Converge) begins a 6-month secondment at FORTH
- Manolis Surligas (FORTH) presents “Intelligent Building Management Systems Based on Cognitive M2M Communications,” at the 11th European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN), Oxford, U.K. Abstract available online at: http://www.cs.ox.ac.uk/ewsn14/docs/ewsndemoposter.pdf
- Vangelis Angelakis (LiU) attends the 2013 Coordinators’ Briefing at Brussels (Feb. 23) ?[link to photo of SOrBet name plaque]
- Magda Foti (Converge) delivers a seminar on “Pattern matching techniques for advanced BMS services,” at FORTH
- Lei Lei (LiU) delivers a seminar on “Sub-channel allocation schemes in SC-FDMA,” at Converge
Mar ’14:
- Nikolaos Pappas is recruited at LiU
- Sofoklis Kyriazakos presents SOrBet at National Documentation Center in Greece during “Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions” [https://mscabusiness.teamwork.fr/]
- 2014/Q1 SORBET News Digest
Apr ’14:
- FORTH and LiU jointly present SOrBet [http://www.itn.liu.se/~vanan11/SOrBet/poster.pdf] at the poster session of the System and Network Optimization for Wireless (SNOW) Workshop, Åre, Sweden.
- Nikolaos Pappas (LiU) delivers an SOrBet open seminar at the KTS division of LiU on “Maximum stable throughput regions“
May ’14:
- Alexandros Fragkiadakis (FORTH) presents “Lightweight and secure encryption using channel measurements,” at Wireless Vitae 2014, Aalborg, Denmark
- FORTH presents SOrBet in GWS ’14, Aalborg, Denmark
Jun ’14:
- Nikolaos Pappas (LiU) presents “Throughput of a Cognitive Radio Network under Congestion Constraints: A Network-Level Study,” at the 9th International Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks (CROWNCOM), Oulu, Finland
- 2014/Q2 SORBET News Digest
Jul ’14:
- Vangelis Angelakis is hosted at the premises of Converge from July 1st
- Presentation of SOrBet project and partners at a joint session FP7-Smartcities RERUM [http://ict-rerum.eu/] and FP7-People IAPP MESH-WISE [http://mesh-wise.eu/], at FORTH [http://www.fp7-sorbet.eu/?page_id=85]
- Magda Foti (Converge) delivers a seminar on “Intelligent Building Management Systems through Machine Learning Algorithms,” at FORTH
- SOrBet co-organizes with the IAPP MESH-WISE project a Marie Skłodowska-Curie OPEN DAY FORTH
- Sofoklis Kyriazakos (Converge) delivers a tutorial to SOrBet & MESH-WISE researchers, and students from the Universities of Crete titled “From commodity to innovation – How can R&D support product development in SMEs” (see more)
- Di Yuan (LiU) delivers at the same event a tutorial titled: “Applied Optimization in Wireless Networks –Link Activation, Scheduling and More”.
- Stefanos Papadakis (FORTH) delivers a demo on “SDR-based Multiple Primary Users Emulation Platform & Real-time Spectrum Analyzer”
- Stefanos Papadakis with Manolis Surligas (FORTH) deliver a demo on SDR Implementation of IEEE 802.11a Physical and MAC layer Transceiver on General Purpose Processors, by FORTH
- A. Fragkiadakis (FORTH) delivers a demo on “Energy efficient data gathering in IoT based on compressed sensing”
Aug ’14:
- Nikolaos Pappas, presents “Approximating the Interference Distribution in Large Wireless Networks“, at the 11th International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS 2014), Barcelona, Spain.
Sep ’14:
- Vangelis Angelakis (LiU) begins a 4-month secondment at Converge
- Nikolaos Pappas (LiU) presents “On the Age of Information of Multiple Sources Under a Simple Queue Management Technique,“ at the 1st KuVS Workshop on Anticipatory Networks, Stuttgart, Germany.
- 2014/Q3 SORBET newsletter
Oct ’14:
- George Labropoulos & Stelios Pournaras (Converge) begin their secondments at LiU
- George Labropoulos & S. Pournaras (Converge) jointly deliver a seminar on “Novel Building Management System based on Machine Learning and a Cloud-based SOA for Ambient Living,“ at LiU
- Manolis Surligas (FORTH) begins his 6-month secondment at Converge
- Manolis Surligas delivers a seminar on “reliable auto-configuration of SDR-based devices,” at Converge
Nov ’14:
- Vangelis Angelakis delivers a Tutorial at Converge on “Mathematical models and tools for optimization of network deployment planning“
Dec ’14:
- Stefanos Papadakis (FORTH) demonstrages “NetFPGA-based Implementation for Multi-Gigabit High Accuracy & Precision Network Measurements” at IEEE CAMAD, Athens, Greece, 2014.
- Elias Tragos (FORTH) presents “Experiences with deploying Compressive Sensing and Matrix Completion techniques in IoT devices,” at IEEE CAMAD 2014.
- Ioannis Avgouleas, Vangelis Angelakis, Nikolaos Pappas, “Utilizing Multiple Full-Duplex Relays in Wireless Systems with Multiple Packet Reception”, IEEE 19th International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design of Communication Links and Networks (CAMAD) 2014, Dec. 2014.
- Dr. Vangelis Angelakis delivers a tutorial “Mathematical models and tools for optimization of network deployment planning” at Converge
- Vangelis Angelakis (LiU) presents “Utilizing Multiple Full-Duplex Relays,” at the IEEE International Workshop on Computer-Aided Modeling Analysis and Design of Communication Links and Networks (CAMAD), Athens, Greece, 2014.
- 014/Q4 SORBET newsletter
Jan ’15:
- Stefanos Papadakis (FORTH) begins a 3-month secondment at Converge
- Stefanos Papadakis (FORTH) delivers a seminar at Converge on “implementation of IEEE 802.15.4 protocol on SDR-based devices”
- Job opening in FORTH (see more)
Mar ’15:
- G. Labpropoulos delivers advanced graduate course “Smart Spaces and Sensors”, short course (2-ECTS PhD-level). (3-4 Mar 2015) (outreach)
- G. Labpropoulos and S. Pournaras guest lecture TNK080: Wireless communication Systems (http://webstaff.itn.liu.se/~vanan11/TNK080/): a) on the research on Wireless networking requirements for BMS and the Ecosystem Platform, b) the SOrBet EU-FP7 MC-IAPP project. (outreach)
- 25/3 Vangelis Angelakis uses SOrBet Poster to advertise Smart City Course in ITN-LiU to prospective students / Discusses with prospective LiU students issues of Smart City research and EU-funding benefits for them. (outreach)
- Stelios Pournaras, seconded at LiU, visits the Mobile and Pervasive Computing Institute (MAPCI) at Lund University, in Scania, Sweden. Gives an outreach presentation titled “Smart Objects for Intelligent Building Management”. On Mon 30/3. (Dissemination)
- Stefanos Papadakis and Manolis Surligas attend the NetFutures 2015 conference in Brussels in March 2015 (see more)
- 015/Q1 SORBET newsletter
May ’15:
- Vangelis Angelakis updates FP7-SMARTCITIES RERUM project on the activities of SOrBet in the quarterly RERUM meeting in Bristol (May) (Dissemination)
- SOrBet Poster and Infocom poster invited at the poster session of “Workshop on Heterogeneous Networking for the Internet of Things” adjunct to the IEEE VTC 2015, in Glasgow (May 11th)
Jun ’15:
- Niki Kai (Converge) begins a 6-month secondment at FORTH
- Vangelis Angelakis (LiU) begins a 2-month secondment at Converge
- Elias Z. Tragos, Magda Foti, Manolis Surligas, George Lambropoulos, Stelios Pournaras, Stefanos Papadakis, and Vangelis Angelakis, An IoT based Intelligent Building Management System for Ambient Assisted Living, ICC 2015 AAL workshop, London June 2015
- Stefanos Papadakis, Antonis Makrogiannakis, Manolis Surligas, Pantelis Papadakis, Single SDR Multiple Primary & Secondary Users Emulation Platform, EUCNC Paris June-July 2015.
Jul ’15:
- SOrBet Organizes the 1st SOrBet Summer School”, in topics related to WP2: titled: “Analytical Tools for Dense Wireless Networks”, July 27-31, at the premises of FORTH on Crete. I brings together a world leading team of researchers to deliver short courses and tutorials in the area of dense wireless networking. The targeted audience is advanced graduate students to early postdoctoral researchers and has an estimated load of four ECTS. (http://summerschool.itn.liu.se/SOrBet2015/) (outreach)